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The Easiest Slat Fencing Install in Australia

Install Instructions

What you'll need.

Step 1 - Mounting the F-Section

Your first objective when installing the InstaPanel system should be figuring out how you will mount the F-Section, whether you are using posts, brick piers or a standard wall, an F-Section will be needed. The F-Section can be installed using Standard Green Plugs when installing into Brick, or our Self-Tapping Hex Heads can be used when installing into our Posts.

Step 2 - Installing the InstaPanel

Now this is probably the easiest part. All you need to do is take your fabricated InstaPanel, and slide it into the F-Section. Once completed, you can choose to either leave it as is, or use our Self-Tapping Hex Heads to fix the panel in place.

Additional Information

135deg Fence Channel

If you have an angled post or an angled pillar, the standard angle you will see in construction will be a 135° or 45° angle. This specially designed fencing channel will allow you to easily install a fence panel on an angle.Â